At the begining, SCONMAN project wanted to "develop a java API (JAR library) for content management. Simple but powerful, based on Apache Lucene project, it would be embeded on projects requiring content management." Now, after more than a year, we have that library and a web based graphical user interface.

Although yet at v0.4, SCONMAN library is a fully functional package. After some scalability tests we will release an stable version (v1.0).

SCONMAN was just a java library with no GUI, so every content management aspect should be tested through scripting secuences and JUnit. Although not in the original scope, soon became clear that a graphical user interface would be very useful. Thus, SCMWEBGUI was born. It became a very complex project in itself because we wanted it to be useful even for production environments. A simple but powerful cache was a key point for achieving the desired results... just check it ;)

If you're using SCONMAN or SCMWEBGUI, consider donating to this project.